Taking into account your cloud strategy and preferences, intelligent recommendations generated by the platform show you where to optimize or modernize for saving costs and maximizing cloud ROI. Let the platform continuously show you where to optimize costs, and track your cost optimization achievements over time.
Develop a clear vision of your cloud estate. Your cloud portfolio should not be a black box. Let the platform ingest data about your applications and provide you with a crystal-clear vision of your infrastructure, whether hybrid or multi-cloud.
Explore costs from every angle. Per application, per business unit, technology type, cloud vendor, deployment location... You name it. Analyze your cloud costs from any perspective you want with Txture’s wide range of reports.
Find cost optimization opportunities. The platform analyzes your cloud portfolio and automatically identifies cost optimization opportunities, in line with your strategy.
Develop a clear action plan. Change of deployment location, migration to a new instance... Txture provides you with actionable insights to help you achieve your cost optimization initiatives.
Get all insights for decision-making. When suggesting a way to reduce costs, the platform highlights other key aspects like impact on technology, business enablement, security, carbon footprint... Get all the insights you need to make informed decisions.
Find cost optimization opportunities. The platform analyzes your cloud portfolio and automatically identifies cost optimization opportunities, in line with your strategy.
Make transformation continuous. Foster a culture of continuous modernization, with an overview of previous achievements and recommendations for the future.