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Cloud Center of Excellence

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CCOE Task #6

Keeping Up-To-Date With Cloud Technologies

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Cloud Center of Excellence

Welcome back to another installment of our “Cloud Center of Excellence'' post series!

In the first post of this series, we presented the core tasks of the Cloud Center of Excellence, also known as the Cloud Competence Center, and the arguments for organizations establishing a dedicated team. If you are unfamiliar with the core tasks of the Cloud Center of Excellence we encourage you to read our article on "The 7 Core Tasks of the Cloud Center of Excellence" first!

Every day new cloud services are released by the cloud providers for ever more specialized use cases. Tracking these changes is essential to optimize the cloud portfolio and save costs. Since the CCoE acts as an internal cloud service broker and as an advisor for the IT departments, one of the CCoE's core tasks is to consult and support the individual departments in the choice of the right cloud vendor and services.

The cloud service market is constantly growing. The top 7 cloud infrastructure and platform leaders identified by Gartner are AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud and Tencent Cloud who already account for 863 different products and 275,165 product instances.

Cloud Products by provider Cloud Provider Market share

Due to the complex pricing models but also the variety of combined service offerings it becomes challenging to keep an overview. Also different providers have their unique strengths and weaknesses. While some cloud providers have grown particularly strong in the IaaS sector, others have focused more on enhancing their offering in the PaaS or SaaS area. Read more about the top cloud service providers here.

To make a comparison of the cloud services easier and keep an overview of the cloud market, Txture provides a continuously growing and always-up-to-date cloud service technology database. This database includes prices, certifications, and deployment locations of IaaS, PaaS, CaaS and SaaS services from all hyperscalers and some niche cloud providers. It is accessible to everyone via our free SaaS platform Cloud Insider where members of the CCoE and other cloud professionals get the information they need to consult their colleagues appropriately and make profound decisions.

Cloud Insider Project

Furthermore, users of our Txture Cloud Transformation platform can even map their existing on-Prem legacy technology with available cloud services. Based on your specific preferences for your cloud target architecture and the discovered application infrastructure, the Cloud Knowledge Engine, which contains the database and the mappings of on-Prem legacy technology to cloud services of multiple providers, assembles proposals for the cloud target architecture. These proposals show an optimized cloud deployment stack for the assessed application, the recommended cloud provider and a 6Rs migration strategy. Furthermore, they contain the most suitable service models and expected cloud costs. (Read more about how to survive in the messy world of multi-cloud pricing in this whitepaper.) Finally, for each proposal, a migration plan is generated that shows the cloud replacement service and migration action for each affected component.

Cloud Insider Project Cloud Insider Project

Summing up, to keep up-to-date with cloud technologies it is important to have quick and easy access to the latest data. Comparing different provider options can be challenging but it is essential to identify the right cloud deployments and alternatives to optimize your cloud portfolio and save costs.

Do you want to know more about Txture's Cloud Transformation Platform and want to discuss how Txture can facilitate the cloud journey of your organization?
Feel free to get in touch and book your own demo session!

Simone Götz
Simone Götz
Simone is part of Txture product team. She is constantly on the lookout for ways to improve our platform, and brainstorming new features that can address user needs and solve their problems.