We're excited to announce a significant upgrade to Txture's data import process, introducing a sleeker design and enhanced features to simplify your data ingestion process.
Txture already offers a variety of ways to import data:
Txture's flexible ETL layer already handles different data formats with ease. This update takes things a step further with several key improvements:
Always-on Data Preview: Keep an eye on your data throughout the entire configuration process with a single data preview. This preview is permanently visible, allowing you to check header names, preview data transformations, and verify information as you go.
Modernized Interface: Enjoy a sleek and intuitive interface that streamlines the data import process. The visual refresh makes it easier to navigate and understand different functionalities.
Drag-and-Drop Transformation Power: Import even the most complex data structures! You can now arrange data transformation steps in any order, giving you more control and flexibility. This means you can use dynamic columns (custom scripts for data manipulation) freely throughout the process.
Expanded Preview and Transformation Area: We've added a quick expand option to the data preview and transformation area to give you more room when needed. Enjoy more visual space when adjusting columns or applying data transformations.
More Accurate Storage Matching: Our data enhancers now accept additional inputs for storage-specific details, such as redundancy or access type. This allows for more accurate product matching and extraction of key details like available storage capacity and type (flexible vs. fixed) from our technology catalog.
Faster Issue Detection: catch errors before they happen! If the Data Enhancer cannot find a technology match in our catalog, the issues are directly displayed above the preview in the importer configuration. This lets you make adjustments on the fly and ensure accurate technology mapping.
These improvements aim to simplify your data import process in Txture, save you valuable time and effort, while giving you the necessary flexibility to adapt to your various data formats and needs.
Ready to experience the upgrade? Try it out today and let us know what you think!
Want to learn more about the Txture platform? Reach out to us, we'll be happy to help!