From time to time, we are confronted with huge business applications, consisting of dozens of services, databases, underlying servers and storage.
Based on your cloud migration strategy and requirements, Txture generates automatically various target architecture proposals. In the context of a very large application, these proposals can become pretty large themselves. For instance, if your as-is component stack is already extensive and you want to go for a like-for-like type of transformation. In other cases, you might want to enhance an existing business application with a lot of new components and cloud native services.
To give you a clear overview of these extensive stacks, we have added a technology based grouping functionality to our dependency tree report type. We also adapted the solution workbench in Txture's target architecture section.
This helps you to quickly grasp how technologies or cloud service types are connected in your application stacks. This way you can now switch between an asset based view (our bill of materials and graphical representation in solution workbench) as well as technology summary in a graphical way.
Here is an example of how it looks like in the platform:
Want to learn more about the Txture platform? Reach out to us, we'll be happy to help!