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Cloud Migration

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GCP Professional Services with Ann Wallace and Michael Wallman

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team discussing application migration strategy

A podcast packed with real-world experience from two Google employees who work in Professional Service Organization (PSO). They help customers migrate applications & storage from on-prem to cloud, generally. Recently they have become more engaged in moving customers from clouds to other clouds and setting up these hybrid environments. In general, even more, tech-heavy customers experience challenges here, although they may face very different problems. In this podcast they talk about some of them, technology related but also on the human side.

They also talk about the trends they observe in terms of technologies and multi cloud practices. Generally they experienced a big uptick in GKE and Kubernetes within the last year and customers really encourage that open source cloud momentum as they do not want to be tied to any specific provider. It also has become a trend to really bring security teams at the table from the beginning to avoid red flags after the projects are set up and ready to start.

Listen in for more trend insights & some best practice tips:

→ Listen to the podcast here
Bianca Wolf
Bianca Wolf
Bianca is Marketing Manager at Txture. Her heart beats for interesting news, new markets, exciting events, strong partnerships and inspiring contacts.