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Cloud Migration

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Migrating to the cloud

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Cloud architect at a desk drawing cloud migration strategy

The "CloudCast" Podcast deals with the topic of cloud migration and its different process steps. Jeremy Winter and his guests talk about challenges, not only from a technical point of view but also the personal & business ones. Furthermore, they discuss prejudices or generalizations regarding cost savings and that the complete transformation is a longer journey in which all participants should participate equally.

Summarized the most important points to consider during the cloud migration:

  • Also focus on the cultural and personal change of the company during the cloud transformation, not only on technology.
  • Calculate the costs over the entire journey and optimize them continuously. All costs should always be taken into account to avoid comparing apples and oranges in the strategy.
  • Also consider some resource cleanup through right sizing and optimization
  • Keep in mind to have a look at a transition from CAPEX to OPEX"
→ Listen to the podcast here
Bianca Wolf
Bianca Wolf
Bianca is Marketing Manager at Txture. Her heart beats for interesting news, new markets, exciting events, strong partnerships and inspiring contacts.