Resources & Downloads

Get more information about the Txture tools and some tips & tricks from our experts.

application portfolio management guide txture
Your guide to optimize your application portfolio - Txture
How well do you know your application portfolio? We selected 16 key questions you should be able to answer for a good management of your applications.
Application Portfolio Management
change management whitepaper txture
Whitepaper: How to Lead Change in the Context of a Cloud Transformation - Part 1
The ability to lead a team through change is a key skill to make any transformation project successful. Find out what the key principles of change management are, and how they apply to cloud transformation
Cloud Strategy
change management whitepaper txture
Whitepaper: How to Lead Change in the Context of a Cloud Transformation - Part 2
In the second part of our change management whitepaper, we provide you with a four-step action plan to lead your team through change in the context of a cloud transformation
Cloud Strategy
Preview of Google Cloud Migratin Playbook
Playbook: Accelerate migration to Google Cloud
Do you need some guidance to speed up your customers migration to Google Cloud? This guide offers various tips and tricks on how to support your customer in their migration process.
Cloud Migration
cloud transformation planning guide
Whitepaper: Cloud Transformation Planning Overview - Your Step-by-Step Guide
This whitepaper provides IT practitioners, and members of the Cloud Center of Excellence, with a proven 4-step approach for a successful cloud transformation project
Cloud Migration
preview of txture finops playbook
Txture FinOps Playbook 2025
From immediate cost optimization to long term cloud modernization benefits. A FinOps guide for organizations of all sizes.
Cloud cost optimization
Cloud Assessment Checklist
Whitepaper: Surviving in the Messy World of Multi-Cloud Pricing
Get to know the five major pains we identified regarding multi-cloud pricing and read about Txture’s best practice on how to generate an optimized Multi-Cloud portfolio.
Cloud Costs
Continuous Modernization
Whitepaper: Continuous Modernization
This whitepaper aims to highlight a different approach to massive big bang migration programs - called continuous modernization. Topics that are covered include the general approach to continuous modernization, best practices, as well as tool support.
Continuous Modernization